Yoga can have many beneficial effects for both the active adult, both casual and competitive athlete. Used in the right way Yoga can play the part of active recovery after training sessions, be a method of cross-training in the off-season and provide the opportunity for mental training or “head-space” when it’s most needed. The physical practices Gemma leads for athletes is a mixture of mobility exercises and training protocols such as CAR’s (Controlled articular rotation), PAILS and RAILS as well as some traditional Yoga poses.

If you are a small group or sports club wanting to make an enquiry please contact me.

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Claire Smith


“As a masters athlete, I’m constantly either managing a slight ‘niggle’ or trying to recover from a heavy training session before the next one. I finally got around to adding a Yoga session (or two) into my weekly training plan and felt the difference after only a couple of weeks. I’m always cutting short post-training stretching to get home for dinner, so I found if was giving me a much-needed full body stretch targeting the muscles that needed it the most. I’m not very flexible and was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it, but Gemma makes the poses accessible to all with options to increase the intensity when you’re ready.”

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Kyle Chesterman


“A couple of years ago I decided to start practising yoga to increase my flexibility and build stability to help prevent injury and improve my performance competing in triathlon, but also to embrace the calming and centred ethos it's built upon. Having attended several different instructors classes, both in person and virtually, I've found Gemma’s delivery, knowledge and encouragement to be exceptional and by far my favourite classes to attend. Gemma’s practices are always very well structured, relaxed and clearly explained; They target specific areas each time with various extensions and options for those of us less flexible in particular poses. Being an athlete she's fully aware of the typical limitations that occur in various sports - which allows her to be very reassuring when certain movements are particularly challenging (damn my hips!), and likewise how to progress a pose when your body allows. I've always found Gemma to be friendly and approachable, always been willing to talk through a particular issue and offer advice to help improve - something I've found invaluable and greatly appreciate. I can honestly say that it's made a huge difference to my sport, and the calming introspective ends to practices a perfect and much welcome few minutes of peace. Thank you!”

A Coach’s perspective

Coaches and athletes are constantly looking for methods to improve performance. A casual look at the activation and warm up techniques at any athletics event will identify many poses used in the practice of yoga. Competitive athletics has only been around for 150 years or so. The practice of yoga in its many forms has existed for centuries. I have been very much a latecomer to the practice of yoga and regret that I did not discover it sooner. It has many beneficial uses as part of any athletics training program. Apart from the obvious for increasing mobility stability and flexibility there are several other important uses. Targeted yoga sessions for athletes can beadapted to give variety to conditioning recovery injury prevention and rehabilitation programs. The breathing and relaxation techniques utilised in yoga can aid mental preparation for competition. Exceptional balance is required to develop maintain and improve event techniques in athletics and the consequent improvement in performance. The inherent basis of the practice of yoga is balance so take advantage.

Gemma is an experienced, capable and caring teacher. Her designated classes for athletes and general sessions are attended by athletes from club to National and International level. There is no better opportunity to improve and achieve your athletic aims when added to your general schedules.
— Tim Needham. Level 4 UKA Performance Coach